miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013


Hola amigos , hoy hablando con mi gran amiga Clara, me estaba comentando que había estado en el Faro de Santa Pola y me ha recordado que hace poco estuvimos allí , es un sitio muy bonito de la provincia de Alicante (España) y con unas vistas espectaculares, os lo recomiendo a todos.

Hello friends, today talking to my good friend Clara, I was commenting that he had been in the Santa Pola lighthouse and reminded me that we were there recently, is a nice place in the province of Alicante (Spain) and the views spectacular, I recommend to all

Faro de Santa Pola

Santa Pola lighthouse

Vista panorámica desde el faro , al fondo las montañas de Alicante hasta Benidorm

Panoramic view from the lighthouse in the background the mountains of Alicante to Benidorm

Familia visitando el paraje y al fondo la isla de Tabarca, muy recomendable ir en primavera, ya que la encontrareis verde y florecida, en verano agobia un poco ya que se llena de muchísimos turistas y está abarrotada.

Family visiting the site and Tabarca background, highly recommended to go in spring, as you will find green and flowering in summer and a bit overwhelmed to be filled with many tourists and is crowded.

Final de la excursión

End of the tour

7 comentarios:

  1. Certainly it is a path that leads to a great story. Beautiful picture!

  2. The views are indeed spectacular. I especially like your second photo.

  3. I am impressed, Tony! Beautiful series. I find that the second picture has an almost perfect balance and beautiful colours, a bit subdued, quite good. And the last one is a classic theme perfectly done. I would say "Woohoo…" I would want to be there and look at the end of the road, so far away. Beautiful perspective.

  4. Magnifico reportaje. Me han gustado mucho las fotos y el sitio. Un abrazo.

  5. Hello, Tony.

      It is my joy to share your wonderful work.
      And sweet message charms my heart.

      I pray for your happiness and world peace.

    Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❃
